Top 5 Best and Free Blogging Platforms
I have not directly purchase a domain and started blogging, I have also begin my blogging career from a blogger.com which is a free blogger platform, where we can start blogging with a sub-domain service. On the internet you will find so many different type of blogging platform and today I have decided to share what I have find on different blogging platform and which are most useful and popular on blogging stage. Always we find best quality whatev er we want so here is also all about blogger platform quality.

Blogging Related Topics:-
Top 5 Best and Free Blogging Platforms
As I have mentioned above and also posted in my previous article about Tips for Become Successful Blogging Career, if we have chosen our more time for blogging so we must have a good but best platform for our career so here below you will find top 10 Best, Free and Popular Blogging Platforms from where you can start your blogging career free.
1- WordPress
I have started with WordPress because I have never seen the best blogging platform like WordPress, it is very easy to use, easy to manage everything, you can find easily bundles means thousand of free and useful Plugins for your wordpress blog and also with one click installation. You can find every Problogger has blog on the WordPress. Completely SEO friendly. You can use it without any single penny also you can upgrade your account by purchase you custom domain and get advantages from more features.
2- Blogger.com
A Free Blogging Service provided by Google also having great features, I have started my blogging career from this service. But this one is little bit different from wordpress as here is nothing like free or premium means all features are fully opened for free users and for custom domain holders. You can easily changed your blogger template or install any type of widget in blogger.com.
3- Joomla
Free blogging platform and open source content management system service with new features and completely customizable with thousand of extensions. You can create a free blog for 30 days and after 30 days you have to buy premium account service from joomla.org
4- Tumblr
I have seen so many personal blog on Tumblr. This is also very great blogging platform for beginner because in few seconds you will signup and start posting on the blog. Tumblr is very easy to use for newbie also I have find so many business companies has created blog on the Tumblr for promoting their product and stay connected with world. This is completely free like wordpress and blogger.
5- Blog.com
In bottom lines, I am gonna share Blog.com customizable and great free blogging platform for starting your blogging career and completely free service providers. But here I have find some rules and regulation for blogging otherwise your account and blog will be deleted. You have to blogging inside the Blog.com terms and conditions. Very easy to use and have great sub-domain service like yourblogname.blog.com.
Bottom Lines
All above service I have check personally which are very best in their work I am not showing and talking about competition of any platform with another providers. This is just for better acknowledgment for favor of information. For any further assistance you can ask by replying in this post and also don’t foget to follow our social media.