How to Change Your Facebook Theme
This was very first post on my blog and new taken step of my life in which I have given the method of changing theme or Colour of Facebook and that particular post was written in 2009 in Roman Urdu even not in English, I know, still my English is very poor but I try my best to share my information for any particular topic and hope same will be easy to get for my blog reader. In this Post I am going to introduce a trick or tool to change your current Facebook theme and Color.
How to Change Your Facebook Theme
As we know the Facebook is very large Social Networking platform where you can find your schoolmates collage friends, family members and create new friends as well as you may meet millions of people from around the world. In very short time, Facebook has become the largest social media network of all time and growing because of its friendly features. In this article, I have given an old method of how can we change Facebook theme and which is no more working now, but, there are several ways to do the same because sometime we want something new and create crazy things.Please follow the Link of Google chrome extension to change you new Facebook theme,
Color & Theme Changer for Facebook Google Chrome ExtentionOR
Hope you will enjoy the new theme and colors of Facebook, feel free to ask any question related to the above shared information or any quiry, and share this crazy information with your friends who need this. Good Luck.