What is High, Normal, Low Bounce Rate and How to Decrease?
If given contents are enrich with concern topics then a visitor will surely get interested in article and read more that article without any frustration. It’s mean that whenever a visitor visits your website, he doesn’t get the real content that what he wants and he immediately leaves your site simply. There could be many reasons for bounce off a costumer. One of them could also be the improper presentation of given contents.
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What Is High, Normal And Low Bounce Rates?
As I have already mentioned the whole definition of bounce rates above and now I am going to tell you about high, normal and low bounce rates. Whenever you will see, there you will find low bounce rates in forum as compare to blogs, it is because there are contents more than one while on a Blog there is usually single recent post. It’s obvious that who does not want to read new threads regularly and therefore it becomes the cause of low bounce rates simply. Somewhere the bounce back is in your favor. And you must be thinking that how? That mean, if you provide an amount of ads on your website and visitors click on these ads, so that response is quite in your favor.
Actually blogs have generally high bounce rates because the visitors only like to read latest post and then move on. Therefore if you have ads on your Blog, so high bounce rate is rather easy to accept.
On the other hand if you don’t have ads on your Blog, then your bounce rate might be exist between 40% n 70% and this isn’t called to be high bounce rates according to me.
So publish up-to-date contents on your Blog and get a number of visitors on your site. As a result bounce rate of your Blog might be 40% or lower than it.
And now after these all you must be know whole information about high, normal and low bounce rates. Check below some very best tips to decrease bounce rate of Blog.
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How to Decrease Bounce Rates?
Here I’ll give you the proper method to decrease bounce rates. Just you have to concentrate that how your website is being used by your costumers. For this purpose we have to do the use of Google analytics.
Content Quality
The most important thing is the quality of your content. You must have to provide such contents to your site that the visitors get satisfy form given articles and they feel that this is the thing that what I am looking for. Content should be readable and detailed with concern topic. Certainly it’ll decrease the amount of bounce rates. It’ll be also prove a good impression towards Google. Every visitor satisfy to visit your site and thankful to provide them a meaningful content.
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Use Images and Paragraphs Liberally
You can also use the images and paragraphs accordingly. Whenever you are going to show a new idea whether it is concern with subject, you can change the paragraph. At the same time you can do use of pictures as well. It will make more attracting to your article. The use of images should be limited to the article. Remember that your aim is to provide a meaningful content to readers and can read easily.
Remove “Forced-Consume” Content
You must have to avoid from forced-consume in your site. Now you must be thinking that what forced-consume is! So here I will clear you that forced-consume means auto-play of music and videos within the entrance of site.
Yaa! Somewhere it’s better but it’ll be best in that situation when you provide a selection key/button for visitors as they can watch the video if they want. Other wise may some peoples do not interested in watching video so in that situation they can get frustrated. And may they will leave site as well. By ignoring this one the bounce rates can be lower simply.
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Update Old Content
Try to avoid from publishing out dated contents in your site. It may also the cause of bounce off. And it’s Very good to update old content for your site. This expresses that your site always show recent contents to the readers.
I hope that you are satisfied by above all tips. Certainly these all features can lower the bounce rates.